So the other day while I was driving, I heard on the radio that a research was conducted and they found that only 50% of your friends consider or see you as a friend, the rest only see you as a colleague or someone they know. At first I thought 'damn that's bullsh*t, that can't be true' but thinking about it now I actually see the truth behind it. Looking at my circle of friends I only see them as a colleague, while to them, I'm someone they could run to and I guess consider a 'close friend' and vice versa to some of what I consider as 'close friends' who only see me as 'a friend'. But you know what, as much as this saddens me, I do not mind at all. This is the reality. We'll meet people and have people in our life who we might trust more than they trust us, this is 'normal'. We just have to put and invest our time to the people who are worth our time. We might not get it first round but there's always next round and the one after. Life gives us as many chances as possible till we get it right. That's just how it is. So if you end up trusting the wrong person this round, then better luck next time :)